THE FACES OF MIĘĆMIERZ | ODSŁONY MIĘĆMIERZA – vernissage of Tomek Sikora’s photography exhibition

date: 31/07/2011, time: 17:00, place: Mięćmierz, artistic program: exhibitions

| NA PŁOCIE Gallery by the well | free


The exhibition is Tomek Sikora’s impressions about Mięćmierz and the neighbourhood of that village. Three-meter panoramic photos of Mięćmierz, shot in four seasons of the year, will be put on the fence. Next to them there will be about 20 photos showing the magic of that place.

Tomek Sikora –  prominent photographer and artist carrying out social and advertising campaigns for companies from around the world, author of illustrations and posters, initiator of the Homeless Gallery (Galeria Bezdomna), promoting independent and amateur photography. Lecturer at the Victoria College Melbourne, a European Photography Academy. He works for the world’s leading advertising agencies. He publishes limited editions of his books, exhibits all around the world. A “citizen” of Mięćmierz.