Professor Tutka’s Club | Klub profesora Tutki – dir. Andrzej Kondratiuk, 1966

date: 31/07/2011, time: 21:00, place: The Silver Star Cinema, film program: retrospective of Andrzej Kondratiuk, artistic program: films
date: 01/08/2011, time: 21:00, place: The Silver Star Cinema, film program: retrospective of Andrzej Kondratiuk, artistic program: films
date: 02/08/2011, time: 21:00, place: The Silver Star Cinema, film program: retrospective of Andrzej Kondratiuk, artistic program: films
date: 06/08/2011, time: 20:45, place: The Silver Star Cinema, film program: retrospective of Andrzej Kondratiuk, artistic program: films

PL | 1966 | b&w | series | 190 min
reż|dir Andrzej Kondratiuk pro|pro Grzegorz Woźniak, Studio Filmowe Se-Ma-For sce|sc Andrzej Kondratiuk zdj|ph Krzysztof Winiewicz muz|mus Krzysztof Komeda, Tomasz Stańko mon|ed Jadwiga Zajicek, Alina Faflik ob|cast Gustaw Holoubek, Henryk Borowski, Mieczysław Pawlikowski, Kazimierz Opaliński dys|dis TVP

“Professor Tutka’s Club” is a television adaptation of the famed cycle of novels written by Jerzy Szaniawski. Its main hero is a scientist endowed with a gentle sense of humor, a wise distance towards life and a considerable chatty talent. Action of the following episodes begins usually in scenery of a silent, cozy cafeteria, where professor Tutka (Gustaw Holoubek) meets his three friends: lawyer (Mieczysław Pawlikowski), a judge (Henryk Borowski) and a doctor (Kazimierz Opaliński). The men make pleasant time by telling each other various stories and of which the forefront are, naturally, the one told by the scientist.