Fern Flowers Pirates | Piraci paproci – dir. Agnieszka Burszewska, 2011
date: 31/08/2011, time: 13:30, place: Cinema in Puławy, film program: in the short run, artistic program: filmsPL | 2011 | colour | 9 min
reż|dir Agnieszka Burszewska pro|pro PWSTviT sce|Sc Agnieszka Burszewska, Marcin Włodarski anim|anim Agnieszka Burszewska muz|mus Renata Bazun, Maciej Mulawa mon|ed Adam Kozioł ob|cast Tomasz Toczkowski, Damian Czajka, Agnieszka Żulewska, Katarzyna Walas dys|dis PWSTviT
Fern Flowers Pirates is a story about three young heroes searching for treasures in Warmia woods. The aim of their journey is to find a legendary Fern Flower. Dancing inhabitants of the forest provide information about where the flower grows. But is it really enough to break a flower, to gain happiness?
DIRECTOR | Agnieszka Bruszewska
Student of Animation and Special Effects Faculty in Łódź Film School. Before she started her studies, Agnieszka made three short films during the animation workshops in Dresden and Legnica, inter alia Die Katze allein im leeren Zimmer (The can in an empty room), Silver Prize at Bundesfilmfestival in Waiblingen winner (Germany, 2009). In 2009 Agnieszka made her firs school short film Perpetuum mobile, screened on film festivals all over the world.