Sundial | Słoneczny zegar – dir. Andrzej Kondratiuk, 1997

date: 30/07/2011, time: 18:30, place: The Silver Star Cinema, film program: retrospective of Andrzej Kondratiuk, artistic program: films

PL | 1997 | colour | 107 min
reż|dir Andrzej Kondratiuk pro|pro Iga Cembrzyńska, Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych (Warszawa) sce|sc Andrzej Kondratiuk zdj|ph Zbigniew Hałatek, Andrzej Kondratiuk, Maciej Kijowski, Józef Romasz muz|mus Iga Cembrzyńska mon|ed Anna Krasowska ob|cast Iga Cembrzyńska, Andrzej Kondratiuk, Katarzyna Figura, Roman Mielczarek, Piotruś Małkiewicz, Marek Grzebiela, Jan Gąsior dys|dis FN

“Sundial” is the last part of Andrzej Kondratiuk’s family saga (the other parts are “Four Seasons” and “Spindle of time”). The main subjects of this last part of the triptych are mutual relations of the director and his wife, Iga Cembrzyńska. In the self-ironic tone Kondratiuk spins the history about himself, his relationship, about childhood spent in Siberia, about almost supernatural attachment of him and his wife. Sundial, similarly to other parts of the triptych, interweaves documental and staged scenes, and joke neighbors seriousness and sincerity close to exhibitionism.

1998 Tarnów Film Prize – Special Prize